In the past period we have all experienced that a good immunity status is important to cope with a Covid infection. The immunity status is influenced by the nutritional status, among other things. Several publications confirm a link between vitamin D3 status and susceptibility to respiratory infections. Research shows that a large proportion of the Western population suffers from a vitamin D3 deficiency. Consumption of eggs enriched with vitamin D3 may play a role in this and contribute to improved immunity! 
A challenging period lies behind us, during which Covid 19 was discussed on a daily basis and how to build up the necessary immunity. Our immunity is not only determined by the vaccination but also by our nutritional status. Over the past decade, there have been many publications showing a relationship between vitamin D3 status in humans and susceptibility to viral respiratory infections.  
Vitamin D3 status of the Western population?
Given the impact of vitamin D3 on human immunity, the question must be asked: 'What is the vitamin D3 status of the Western population? National studies in the UK and in the Scandinavian countries show that many people do indeed suffer from a vitamin D3 deficiency. Numerous blood analyses show values below 30 ng / ml. Men have a greater deficiency than women. There is also a seasonal effect: a greater deficiency is noted in winter than in summer. Local and small-scale research in the Benelux countries has reached similar conclusions.  
What is the recommended daily intake of vitamin D3?
On the recommended daily intake of vitamin D3 are different opinions. Thus Europe advises a minimum daily intake (RDI) of 5 µg vitamin D3 / day. The High Health Council of Belgium and the Netherlands recommend daily intake of 10 µg vitamin D3. International experts go a step further and promote a daily intake of 50 µg / day to obtain a maximum effect: on the one hand the vitamin D3 shortage to eliminate and on the other hand, a maximum effect on immunity obtained. 
How to optimise the vitamin D3 status of the population?

There are a number of ways to achieve the target value of at least 30 ng 25-OH vitamin D3 / ml blood.
Exposure to UV light stimulates the body's own production of vitamin D3. However, with age, the body's own production of vitamin D3 at the level of the skin decreases. In this way, large vitamin D3 deficiencies usually cannot be corrected.
A second option is to take vitamin D3 supplements, which are available in various concentrations. This involves the liver converting vitamin D3 into 25-OH-vitamin D3, the active metabolite of vitamin D3. Unfortunately, this conversion in the liver is not always as efficient as it should be. As a result, the classic vitamin D3 pill often has less effect than hoped for.....

In several non-European countries, Ampli-D, a DSM preparation based on 25-OH vitamin D3, has recently become available to consumers. This source of vitamin D3 is directly absorbable and no longer requires liver conversion. Scientific research shows that Ampli-D is faster and more effective in improving vitamin D3 status compared with classical vitamin D3. Authorisation for the use of Ampli-D in Europe is expected shortly.
Vitamin D3 status can also be corrected through the consumption of foods rich in vitamin D3 such as salmon, mushrooms and eggs. It is no coincidence that interest in further fortifying these foods with vitamin D3 has increased sharply in recent years. For example, an increase in the vitamin D3 content of laying hen feed results in an increase in the vitamin D3 content of the egg. But because it is not legally permitted to supplement more than 3200 IU vitamin D3 / kg of laying hen feed, this offers few opportunities. Consumers should eat up to 3 eggs per day to secure their vitamin D3 status...
Replacing vitamin D3 in laying hen feed with Rovimix Hy.D 
A more interesting option is the use of Rovimix HyD in the laying hen feed: this almost doubles the deposition of 25-OH-vitamin D3 in the egg. The consumption of eggs enriched with 25-OH-vitamin D3 thus helps to raise the vitamin D3 status of the consumer quickly and efficiently. Similar to the use of Ampli-D supplements !